
Farmers News

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Zucchini is a rain vegetable. Zucchini is known as Turai and Tori. It is a vegetable rich in fibre and vitamins. Zucchini leaves are moderately sized, the colour of these leaves is light green. Zucchini is long, thin and soft in appearance, as well as its inner part and seeds are light creamy colours. Zucchini is naturally found in low calories.

Zucchini provides many nutrients like iron, protein and calcium. Also, many bioactive components are also found in Zucchini. Zucchini is an embossed skin and long, cylindrical vegetable. Zucchini is cultivated mainly as a cash crop. The flowers coming on the Zucchini are yellow in colour, these flowers are used to make vegetables.

When is Zucchini cultivated?

Zucchini is cultivated by farmers in the months of June to July. It takes 70 -80 days for it to get ready. Zucchini is mostly cultivated in the rainy season. It is necessary to have moisture in the field for its good yield.

Advanced varieties of Zucchini 

There are many varieties of Zucchini, which can produce more profits by producing. The ripening time of Zucchini varieties is different. The advanced varieties of Zucchini are as follows: Ko, -1 (CO, -1), (PK M1), Ghiya Tori, Pusa Nasdar, Pusa Smooth, Punjab evergreen and Sarputia are advanced varieties of Turai.

ALSO READ: Low cost and short period of Zucchini varieties

Climate and land suitable for Zucchini cultivation

Zucchini can be cultivated in all types of soil, but the land should have good drainage. But loam soil is considered suitable for its high yield. It can also be produced in acidic soil found on the banks of rivers. The development of Zucchini requires a humid and dry climate. Zucchini is cultivated in India during the Kharif and Zayed season. Its plant needs rain in the beginning, but more rainfall can also spoil the crop of Zucchini. Zucchini plants require normal temperature to sprout, in summer the Zucchini plant also has the capacity to bear a maximum of 35 degrees temperature.

Seed quantity and seed treatment for sowing

For sowing Zucchini, first plough the field, after that when the soil colour becomes crumbly, then start sowing in it. 3 to 5 kg of seeds are required per hectare. The month of January to March is considered better for sowing Zucchini in summer and the month of June to July is considered suitable for sowing in the Kharif season. But it is better to treat it before sowing seeds. For seed treatment, treat 3 grams of thiram  per kilogram of seeds of Zucchini. By doing this, they can prevent the disease in the crop of Zucchini.

Also read: Use organic manure and increase crop yield, farmers here are taking full benefits

Compost and fertiliser for trumpet cultivation

For good yield of Zucchini, farmers can use cow dung manure, and put 200 -250 quintals of manure in the field 15 -20 days before ploughing. While doing the last ploughing, keep in mind the compost in the field. Besides, farmers can also use potash (80 kg), phosphorus (100 kg) and nitrogen (120 kg) for high yield. Half of its quantity can be used at the time of sowing and half the quantity after one month of sowing.

How to do irrigation management?

In the rainy season, the crop of Zucchini does not need much water, because from time to time the rain keeps reducing the lack of water in the crop. But during the summer season, the crop needs more water, hence irrigation should be done in the field after 7 to 8 days. So that due to the heat, there is no drought in the field and it does not affect the crop.

Problems like weeds are also seen in the Zucchini crop, as well as the outbreak of many diseases and pests is also seen in the crop. To control all these, the farmer can also adopt the crop cycle. Also, weeding can also be done to prevent weeds in Zucchini cultivation. Apart from this, pesticides can also be used by farmers.

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

After harvesting the banana from the virtual stem, the bananas are separated from the bunch in different hands. After this, put these hands in the water tank of alum @ 1 gram alum per 2.5 liters of water. After dipping these banana hands for about 3 minutes, take them out. The alum solution removes the natural wax on the banana peels and also cleans the insect debris on the fruit. It acts as a natural disinfectant. After this, the second tank contains anti-fungal liquid Huwa San, inside which there is hydrogen peroxide with liquid silver components which acts as an antifungal, which does not allow the fungus to grow.

Also read: Demand for indigenous bananas rises abroad, banana exports worth Rs 327 crore

Hua San is a biocide and is effective against all types of bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold and spore makers. Legionella is also effective against pneumophila. Environmentally friendly – practically becomes 100% degradable to water and oxygen. Its use does not create odor, does not change the taste of treated foods. Effectiveness and long-term effects are observed even at very high water temperatures. Rated as safe for consumption at the recommended dosage rate. No carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, does not react with ammonium-ions. It can be stored for a long time. No side effects of any kind have been observed from using at the 3% recommended rate. In this solution, dip the banana hands for 3 minutes. Dissolve Huwa san @ 1 ml per litre of water to make a solution. In this way, 250 ml of Huva San liquid is poured into a 500 liter water tank. After removing the bananas from these solutions, place the bananas on the surface of the mesh on a good drainage floor with a high-speed fan to remove excess water from the bananas. In this way, the initial preparation of bananas is done. Packed in specially designed cartons. Bananas prepared in this way are easily repaired or sent to foreign markets.

What is Huwa-san?

 The process of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver stabilizer is unique worldwide and is based on the original Huva-San technology, which was further developed in ROM technology over the past 15 years.

Also read: Cold wave affecting banana production

 This technique is unique because no other stabilizing agent such as acid is required to stabilize the peroxide. All this makes Huwa-San Technology's products non-residual and extremely powerful disinfectant. Huwa-San is a one stop biocidal product that is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeast, spores, viruses and even mycobacteria and hence this products can be used in many areas to disinfect water, surfaces, tools and even large empty areas through evaporation.

Over the past 15 years, Hueva-San products were extensively tested on a laboratory scale and on numerous field trials around the world. The abundance of information within HUA-San's broad application spectrum along with technical knowledge has been the key to worldwide success.

 Huwa-San has been thoroughly researched and developed in lab and field test settings, it is completely safe and as a result, HUA-SAN products meet the latest standards for disinfection.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can earn good profits by growing these improved varieties of cauliflower.

Farmers can achieve better production in any season through improved varieties of cauliflower. Farmers can earn a good yield by cultivating it. Let us tell you that for good production, some important things related to organic fertilizers and farming should be kept in mind. Through cauliflower cultivation, farmers can earn good profits in a short time. Maybe you are aware that farmers can cultivate cauliflower in any season. Also, people use cauliflower to prepare vegetables, soups and pickles etc. Because along with the amount of Vitamin-B in this vegetable, much more protein is also found in cauliflower. For this reason, its demand always remains in the market. At present the price of cauliflower in Delhi ranges from Rs 60 to Rs 100 per kg. Also, cool and humid climate is necessary for the cultivation of cauliflower. For your information, let us tell you that cauliflower crop is most prone to disease. For its protection, the seeds must be treated with fungicides recommended by agricultural scientists before sowing.

Early, late and medium varieties of cauliflower

Scientists at ICAR, Pusa have developed some of the best varieties to help farmers get good yield from cauliflower cultivation in any season, which include Pusa Ashwini, Pusa Meghna, Pusa Kartik and Pusa Kartik Shankar etc. 

Also read: Scientists in Bihar have developed a variety of cauliflower 6099 which can grow in summer as well

Other early varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Dipali, Early Kuwari, Early Patna, Pant Gobi-2, Pant Gobi-3, Pusa Kartik, Pusa Early Synthetic, Patna Early, Selexan 327 and Selexan 328 etc. Apart from this, late varieties of cauliflower include – Pusa Snowball-1, Pusa Snowball-2, Pusa Snowball-16 etc. Medium varieties of cauliflower include - Pusa Synthetic, Pant Subhra, Pusa Subhra, Pusa Aghani Uyer, Pusa Snowball etc.

The important things for the cultivation of cauliflower are as follows

For cauliflower cultivation, first level the field so that the soil becomes plowable.

Then you plow twice with a soil turning plough. 

After this, run the cultivator twice in the field. 

After every ploughing, make sure to rake.

The PH value of soil should be between 5.5 to 7. 

Sandy loam soil and clay loam soil with excellent drainage are considered suitable for the cultivation of cauliflower.

Let us tell you that the soil which has high amount of organic fertilizer is very good for the production of cauliflower.

How to protect banana crops from damage caused by extreme cold (frost) during the winter season?

How to protect banana crops from damage caused by extreme cold (frost) during the winter season?

 For banana cultivation, it is necessary that the temperature be between 13-40 degrees Celsius. In winter, when the minimum temperature goes below 10 degrees Celsius, then the flow of fluid inside the banana plant stops, due to which the growth of the banana plant stops and many types of disorders start appearing, the main of which is throat choking. When a banana is exposed to low temperatures at the time of flowering, the bunch becomes unable to properly emerge from the pseudostem. For this, chemical reasons can also cause "choke", such as calcium and boron deficiency can also cause similar symptoms. The front part of the inflorescence comes out and the basal part gets stuck in the virtual stem. 

Hence, it is called throat choking. The bunch sometimes takes 5-6 months to reach maturity. Plants in which the fruit bunch fails to emerge or emerge, or is abnormally twisted. In banana cultivation, cold has a significant impact on plant health and productivity. Bananas, being tropical plants, are more susceptible to cold damage when exposed to low temperatures. Bananas, being tropical plants, are more susceptible to cold damage when exposed to low temperatures. Due to cold, the growth, development, and overall yield of plants are affected.To effectively manage cold damage in banana cultivation, it is necessary to understand the causes, and symptoms and implement preventive and corrective measures. 

Due to a cold injury.

Bananas are sensitive to temperatures below ten degrees Celsius. Frost damages banana plants, affecting the leaves and stems. Cold wind increases cold stress by increasing the rate of heat loss from the plant.

Also readSymptoms of deficiency of potash, the most important nutrient for banana cultivation, and techniques to manage it. 

Symptoms of cold injury.

Discoloration of leaves: Leaves turn yellow or brown in color. 

Cell damage: The formation of ice crystals causes damage to plant cells.

Stunted growth: Cold stress slows plant growth and development.

Preventive Measures.

Site selection: Choose a well-drained site with good aeration.

Windbreak: Install a windbreak to reduce the impact of cold winds. 

Mulching: Apply organic mulch around the base of plants to maintain the soil warmth. 

Irrigation: Wet heat retains heat better than dry soil; Ensure proper irrigation. 


 Cultural (agricultural) measures.

Proper Pruning: Remove damaged or dead leaves to promote new growth. Fertilizer: Maintain optimal nutrient levels to strengthen plants against cold stress. Water management: Avoid overwatering, as waterlogged soil can increase frost damage. It is important to remember that banana is a crop that requires an adequate supply of water, it has to be optimally distributed throughout the year (at least 10 cm per month). It is necessary for the soil of the banana field to always remain moist during the winter season. 

Also read: Farmers cultivating bananas should pay attention, otherwise problems may increase: Scientists

Corrective measures.

Pruning damaged tissue: Prune affected leaves and stems to encourage new growth.

Frost cloth: Covering plants with frost cloth can protect them during cold weather.

Heating equipment: In extreme cases, using a heater or heat lamp can avoid injury. 

Relief from stress after cold.

Plant Health Monitoring: Regularly assess plants' recovery progress. Nutrient boost: Use a fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus to promote recovery. Before the onset of winter, light plowing of the banana plantation and application of 1/4th of the recommended quantity of fertilizers also reduces the severity of this disorder significantly. Patience: Allow enough time for plants to recover naturally. In the agricultural climate of Bihar, we have seen that banana orchards start looking burnt in winter but by March and April, our orchards start looking good again.

Research and Technical solutions.

Cold-resistant varieties: Develop and cultivate enhanced cold-resistant banana varieties. We have observed that tall banana varieties are more tolerant to cold than dwarf varieties.

Also read: Farmers should cultivate bananas of Cavendish Banana Group, after earning huge profits they will forget to grow paddy and wheat.

 Even Forecast: Use advanced weather forecasts to predict and prepare for cold weather. The best time to plant tissue culture bananas in Bihar is from May to September. Even Forecast: Use advanced weather forecasts to predict and prepare for cold weather. Applying this has a very bad effect on its cultivation. The biggest principle behind this is that bananas should never flower in winter because due to extreme cold in winter, the growth of the bunch is not good and sometimes the bunch is not able to come out of the virtual stem properly. In bananas prepared from tissue culture, flowers start appearing in the 9th month, whereas in bananas planted from suckers, bunches appear in the 10-11th month. Genetic Engineering: Research is needed to study genetic modifications to increase cold tolerance in bananas.


Effective management of cold damage in banana cultivation involves a combination of preventive, corrective, and research-based strategies. Farmers should adopt a holistic approach considering site selection, cultural practices, and technological advances to protect the banana crop from the harmful effects of cold stress. By implementing these measures, growers can ensure the sustainability and resilience of banana cultivation in areas with cold temperatures.


Spraying and monitoring of crops  through drones in this state will be done absolutely free of cost

Spraying and monitoring of crops through drones in this state will be done absolutely free of cost

Drone technology will be used to monitor crops in Jharkhand. This will protect crops as well as save time for farmers. For this, a proposal has been prepared by the Agriculture Department and the proposal has been sent to the committee. Let us tell you that farmers will get free service of drones from 167 centers of the state. Crops and plants will be protected through drones in Jharkhand state. Spraying of medicines and survey work will be done to protect crops and plants through drones. For this, a proposal has been prepared by the Agriculture Department. In this, pesticides and equipment for related work will be purchased. For this, a proposal has been sent to the concerned committee.

Such planning was already underway.

Let us tell you that this type of scheme was already running in Chhattisgarh. For the last few years, this scheme was not being given any attention by the department. When there was less rainfall in the state for two consecutive years, drought situations arose in many blocks. Due to late rains, farmers have planted paddy late. Due to late rains, farmers have planted paddy late. After this, a proposal has been prepared to use drones to spray medicines and do survey work to protect the crops.

There are about 167 plant protection centers in Chhattisgarh.

A total of 167 plant protection centers are already established in the state. Three posts have been created in each center, which includes the posts of Junior Plant Protection Officer and others. But, there is a shortage of personnel at the center. For this, a plan is now being made to reinstate the personnel through outsource. Drones and other equipment are being purchased by the government. However, discussions are currently underway on how many drones should be purchased. After this, outsourced personnel will also be given training in operating drones.

This facility will be provided to farmers completely free of cost.

Let us tell you that a total of Rs 32 crore is going to be spent in this scheme. However, this expense may also increase. After purchasing and training the drone, any farmer will apply for spray in his fields at the Plant Protection Center. After this, spraying work will be done in the farmer's fields by taking drones from the center. This service will be provided completely free of cost. Along with medicines and pesticides for crop and plant nutrition, the rest of the purchases are also being made by the department.

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Two diseases occurrs in guava crop, fruit fly and millets can completely harm the crop. To control this, farmers will have to take care of various things from changing the crop cycle. Guava is a very popular fruit, guava is produced by most of the farmers in India. If seen, due to the economic and commercial importance of guava, the interest of the farmers here is increasing towards it. 

In such a situation, today we have brought information to the farmers about the diseases occurring in the guava crop and its prevention. According to Dr Amit Kumar Goswami, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), the biggest problem in guava is the fruit fly in the rainy season. The best way to do this is to change the crop cycle Most people also call it outside control.

How often guava bear fruits?

Guavas flower twice and bear fruit only twice. The flowers of the rain-fed crops come in the month of April. If the farmers pluck those flowers in the month of April, then the fruit fly can be controlled. There are only two ways: either prune it or spray a solution of 10 per cent urea in it. At the same time, if farmers are not able to do this, then their second method is pheromane trap.

How to control fruit fly disease 

Pusa scientist Dr Amit Kumar Goswami said that the fruit in guava is a fly. For its prevention the traps of methyl yanal are currently available in the market. Along with the pheromane trap, these baggins are also available nowadays, which is a poly profinal tube. If these are also not available with the farmers, then they can also use the envelope. It is also known as methyl ynol trap as well as phiran trap. 

For this the farmers have to take special care that the chemicals kept in the pheromone trap have to be changed at an interval of 15-21 days. Actually, it contains a solution of pheromane, methyl uzanyl and spinosus. After this you have to do bagging after 30-45 days, by which the fruit will be of the shape of plum. By doing this the attack of fruit fly will be controlled.

The Buckeye disease affecting guava crop

At the same time,in present, other problems have also started to come in the guava crop, which is Mili Bakki. This is such a disease in which the farmers will see insects in the guava leaves like white cotton. To control this, make a solution of any laundry powder and spray it on it. After that you spray the solution on it at the rate of about 2 mL per liter of carbosulfan.

How much discounts is being given to farmers from the railway fare

How much discounts is being given to farmers from the railway fare

Farmers are also facilitated by the Railway Department. In Indian Railways, farmers can get tickets at the prescribed exemption. India is a country that addresses farmers under the name of Annadata. Also, the central government and state governments run various schemes for Annadata. Through this, benefits are provided to farmers . 

Farmers are given a lot of exemption on the purchase of equipment - tools on tax. Also, tractors of farmers are exempted on toll. Apart from this, farmers get various concessions in other places. But, today we are going to tell you what facility is provided by the Railways for the farmers.

Farmers  to get huge discounts in train fares

According to reports, the farmer will  get a lot of discount on the fares of the train. The Indian Railways provides a discount of 25 to 50 percent on second class and sleeper class tickets to farmers and labourers. To get all these facilities, it is very important for farmers to follow some important things.

Also read: This scheme will provide employment opportunities and a 50 percent grant to so many people

Documents required to take advantage

The farmer will have to show his Aadhaar card or voter ID card at the ticket counter while booking tickets.

The name and address of the farmer should be recorded on the ticket.

The farmer will have to take his Aadhaar card or voter ID card with him during the journey.

How do farmers get exemption?

Farmers will  get a 25 percent discount when  he is going to participate in any agriculture or industrial exhibition.

Farmers are provided a 33 percent discount on travelling in special trains sponsored by the government.

Farmer brothers get a 50 percent discount on going to study at the national level agriculture and animal husbandry institute.

Farmers will have to choose the option of "farmer" at the ticket counter while booking tickets for train fares.

Farmers get a 50% discount on drone spraying in this state

Farmers get a 50% discount on drone spraying in this state

In the state of Bihar, farmer brothers will be given a huge grant for spraying medicine on crops. To avail of the benefit of this grant, farmer brothers can apply for spraying medicine through drones on the DBT portal of the Agriculture Department. 

​Farmer brothers do various types of work to get a good yield of the crops standing in the field. Farmers spray pesticides on the crop to ensure that it has a good harvest and that it is not infested by pests. Today we are going to tell you some good news related to this.

50 percent discount on drone spraying under the crop protection scheme

For the first time, spraying of pesticides through drones has been included in the crop protection scheme. Bihar government will give 50% rupees to farmers for spraying pesticides per acre. A service provider has been selected for spraying pesticides. The application process started on January 15.

 Also read: In this state, spraying and monitoring of crops through drones will be done free of cost.

Both ryot and non-ryot farmers can avail its benefits. For this, farmers will also have to give an affidavit or a suggestion letter from the Panchayat representative while applying. Under the scheme, farmers can spray drones in a minimum of one acre and a maximum of 10 acres.

How many rupees per acre will the medicine spray cost to farmers?

Spraying medicine through drones will cost farmers Rs 480 per acre. The government will give a subsidy of fifty percent i.e. Rs 240 on this. The farmer will have to pay the remaining Rs 240. Farmers should not use pesticides that are not recommended by the Agriculture Department and agricultural scientists. Drones can help farmers control pests on potatoes, maize, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, and other crops. Only farmers registered on the DBT portal of the Agriculture Department will get the benefit of the scheme.

Where to apply for medicine spray by drone?

Farmers can apply for spraying medicine through drones on the DBT portal of the Agriculture Department. While applying, you will have to provide an Aadhar card, area of ​​land, type of crop, and land receipt. The applications received will be verified by the Agriculture Coordinator, Plant Protection Personnel, Block Technical, and Assistant Manager. The selected agency will spray the medicine through drones. Spraying with drones will not harm the health of farmers. Whereas spraying with machines requires more water, labor, and money.

Beware: Thugs are preying on farmers by making fake calls.

Beware: Thugs are preying on farmers by making fake calls.

Caution: The Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Department and Police have alerted the farmers that some unruly elements are carrying out incidents of fraud by luring them with schemes. In such a situation, farmer brothers need to be careful and alert from fake calls.

Presently farmers have also fallen victim to fake fraud calls. For some time now, many cases of cheating of farmer brothers have come to light. Thugs are committing incidents of fraud on farmers by luring them with government schemes. Some similar incidents have currently come to light from Uttar Pradesh. Where farmers are being tempted to purchase solar pumps in easy installments under PM Kusum Yojana. After this, the Uttar Pradesh Police and Agriculture Directorate alerted the farmers and advised them to avoid such fake phone calls. 

Farmer do not pick up calls from these numbers. 

After the cases of fraud calls came to light, instructions were issued to the Deputy Directors of Agriculture established in all the divisions of the state by the Solar Cell associated with PM Kusum Yojana of the Agriculture Department. In the instructions issued by Suresh Kumar Singh, nodal officer of PM Kusum Yojana in UP Agriculture Directorate, it has been said that farmers are getting phone calls from some other numbers including 7290912735 and 7037767569. These are the same farmers who have applied for solar pumps under Kusum Yojana. 

Also read: Fake websites claiming to register in PM Kusum Yojana: Advisory of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Farmers should not fall into the trap of thugs. 

The caller, posing as an employee of the Agriculture Department, asks the farmers to deposit the money for the solar pump in installments. Due to this, the department has asked the officials to make the farmers aware of this scheme and tell them that there is an online process to confirm the token before the farmers select the solar pump. This information is provided to the concerned farmer through SMS on the registered mobile number. It has also been made clear in the instructions that in this scheme, farmers do not have the option of depositing money in installments. Farmers will have to make a full payment once. In such a situation, farmers should not fall into the trap of swindlers.

Contact the police if you receive a fake call 

The department has given a message to all the Deputy Directors of the Agriculture Department that they should inform the people in the state about this through newspapers and other communication mediums. Along with this, farmers have also been asked to be made aware that if they receive any fraud call, they should contact the police directly, so that such cases can be curbed. 

Also read: PM Kisan Samman Nidhi: 21 lakh farmers in Uttar Pradesh ineligible, next installment may be delayed

What do you understand by PM Kusum Yojana?

Under PM Kusum Yojana, farmers are given solar pumps whose capacity ranges from 1 horsepower to 10 horsepower. On this, the government provides subsidies of up to 70% to the farmers. Recently, to reduce the irrigation cost of farmers, the UP government allowed them to apply online for the scheme. Under this, targets have been set for every district to provide solar pumps to the farmers.